The concept

To create ecological and contemporary accommodation integrated into the environment, for short stays, in different places that "deserve to be known".

lodge projet-z

Why is this project intended to be developed in several territories?

To bring about wider and faster change by example in different places.

The architecture and decoration, as well as the construction or renovation/transformation of accommodation in an environmentally.
The architecture and decoration, as well as the construction or renovation/transformation of this type of accommodation, and even more so in areas “creative” accommodation.
We hope that our architectural choices will reinforce the attractiveness.
We hope that our architectural choices will enhance the attractiveness of the place and breathe new life into it.
As far as the energy consumption of the accommodation is concerned
energy consumption of the accommodation, this is targeted to be as low as possible.
We will also select our materials according to their energy (grey energy = amount of energy needed to produce a good or material) and
to produce a good or a material) as well as their qualities which
qualities that improve energy savings.
The use of materials from the sector is favoured.
Our costs are controlled, minimised and considered at the design stage,
in order to offer our tourist accommodation to as wide a public as possible.

The project also has a socio-economic objective:

The people working in the lodges are local people.
Visitors have the opportunity to consume local products, with a “small base of addresses that we provide”.

The aim is to "make people want something else".

A new architecture.
Of a different relationship to the environment.
A relationship with the environment as a space to be known and lived with.
To make people want to get to know corners that are not or not very well promoted.