Legal notice

Identification and publication

The present site is published by : PROJET-Z, Head office : 216 J rue de la Charmille, 57560 Saint Quirin – FRANCE, Siret number : 89208824600012 here after called the Publisher.

The director of publication of the website is Stéphane Hurth, Manager of Projet-Z with Jean-Marc Dameron and Olivier Guillembet.
By consulting this website, you agree without reservation to respect these conditions. If you do not accept these conditions, please stop consulting this site and do not read or download the information contained in this site.
As the legal notices may be changed, modified or updated at any time and without prior notice, we encourage you to consult them regularly. Your continued use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these changes.

Hosting - Website design

The website host is o2switch 222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert 63000 Clermont-Ferrand – France.
Pour plus d’informations vous pouvez contacter le service o2switch au 04 44 44 60 40.

The site was created by Jean BRECHEMIER

Intellectual property

All the elements on the site are the exclusive property of Projet-Z, except for comments on photos (see photos chapter), and are protected by the applicable intellectual and industrial property rights. Projet-Z grants the user a personal right of use of all elements of the site which does not entail any transfer of the rights mentioned above. In this respect, the user is prohibited from any use contrary to their purpose, namely the normal use of the site, including copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, displaying or selling, by any means or in any form whatsoever, in whole or in part, any element of the site or relating to it, by any means whatsoever, and for any other purpose including for commercial purposes, without the prior authorization of Projet-Z. In the absence of such authorisation, such use may be subject to appropriate legal action and criminal prosecution.


Photos about the page visit
Rocher de Dabo >>
Sarrebourg >>
Strasbourg >>

Nancy >>
Metz >>
Musée Lalique >>
Donon >>
Plan incliné (Par © Raimond Spekking) >>

Data processing and liberties

Projet-Z is committed to protecting the privacy of its users in accordance with the regulations in force and in particular with the law known as “Informatique et Libertés” n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, in accordance with its personal data protection policy. The purpose of this processing is to enable us to: contact you to provide you with information about our activities; compile statistics relating to the number of visitors to the site.

Limitation of responsibility

The user acknowledges having read these terms of use and agrees to abide by them.
The user of the website acknowledges that he/she has the necessary skills and means to access and use this website. The user of the website acknowledges having verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and that it is in perfect working order. Projet-Z makes every effort to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools but cannot be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of features and/or the presence of viruses on its site. The information provided on this site is for information purposes only and does not exempt the user from further, personalised analysis. The publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information published on its site. Consequently, the user acknowledges that he/she uses this information under his/her exclusive responsibility. The user is informed that during his visits to the site, a cookie may be automatically installed on his browser. A cookie is a block of data that does not allow users to be identified but is used to record information relating to the user’s navigation on the site. The browser software can be configured to inform users of the presence of a cookie and, if necessary, to refuse it, as described at the following address: The user has all the above-mentioned rights with regard to personal data communicated by means of cookies under the conditions indicated above. Users of the website are required to comply with the provisions of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, relating to information technology, files and freedoms, the violation of which is punishable by criminal penalties. In particular, they must refrain, with regard to personal information to which they have access or could have access, from any collection, any misuse and, in general, any act likely to infringe on the private life or reputation of individuals.

Privacy Policy

The French Data Protection Act (Loi Informatique et Libertés), as amended, regulates the use of information relating to a natural person in France.
Projet-Z is also directly impacted by this legislation.
This legislation imposes strict obligations on the Manager and employees regarding the collection and use of personal data and gives rights to the persons whose data has been collected and processed.
This external Privacy Policy is edited by PROJET-Z represented by its managers: Stephane Hurth, Jean-Marc Dameron and Olivier Guillembet. Its objective is to inform the persons concerned of the way in which their personal data are collected and processed by the Data Controller.
Where applicable, the non-mandatory nature of the data you may be asked to provide is indicated on the collection forms by an asterisk. If you do not answer, Projet-Z will not be able to process your request.

Publicity and updating of the procedure

This policy will come into force on 01 August 2021.
This procedure will be updated at least every three years.